Mazette! is a collective of artists, performers, dancers, scenographers, and more, who gather around the desire to create. In 2016 a project called Les Hautes Herbes took form around the idea of fluidity of matter and how science can be manipulated into poetry. 2 years of residencies, trial and errors, push, pull, a lot of sleepless nights made of discussions and also laughter, and with the support of major theaters in France…
« Les hautes Herbes » is a performance for 3 manipulators and a lot of wind. Agited or perfectly still, they walk on thin air trying to grasp the improbable meaning of simple things.
On stage, an aerodynamic measuring machine lets us manipulate atmospheric elements. This machine, straight from Gustave Eiffel’s imagination, is our lens to another world where mollecules obey other rules. In this cinemascopic cabin, one can go from microscopic to universal to mongolian cowboys in the blink of an eye. At the end of it all, this whole experiment can be resumed by this famous quote from Bruce Lee:
« be water my friend ».

Experimenting & process

Mazette ! (Production)
Théâtre Jeune Public (Coproduction)
Carré (Coproduction)
Université Grenoble Alpes (Coproduction)
Préfecture des Pays de la Loire (Soutien)
DRAC Île-de-France (Soutien)
Quinconces-L’Espal (Soutien)
Shadok (Soutien)
Espace Périphérique de la Villette (Soutien)
Mise en scène
Arnaud Louski-Pane
Assistanat à la mise en scène
Simon Gauchet
Musique originale
Antoine Birot
Sarah Cosset
Damien Briançon
Cécile Briand
Gwenn Descamps
Alice Ruest