For the Giboulets de Strasbourg Festival, the National Theater of Strasbourg commissioned a performance to the Mazette collective. Arnaud Louski-Pane and me create « Marées » (Tides), an installation for a fading city and a chronographer. After a few representations, it becomes a project for a short film supported by Le Carré – Chateau Gonthier.
A city and the sea, a human reality and a natural element, all on a new scale, centered on the experience of time passing. A constant repetition of a same mouvement transforms the landscape. Waves set on motion by an independant mechanism die on the shore of the city. Existing in a distorted space and time. When the chronographer comes, the tide rises…
A landscape exists as it is perceived by it’s observer. Here as in a museum, the drawer reveals and amplifies by his action, the transformation of the landscape.
As the city disapears, a drawing arises from a different construction. Similar and complementary.